

编辑:美国留学专家 16-08-13 11:50:07 分享到:

Assignment: Is society's admiration for famous people beneficial or harmful? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or Observations.

Susan Plyte once said "Everyone needs someone to look up to. In today's society it is more important than ever for people to have role models in which they can admire and examine beneficial qualities that may help them in their everyday life. The universal notion that famous people are beneficial is exemplified throughout history and literature.

One example of how well-known people can benefit today's society is seen through the Civil Rights movement. In 1962 four college freshmen entered a restaurant in which they would receive no service at. The news of their nonviolent sittings spread across the nation and within two months thousands of students were participating in these sit-ins. Their efforts inspired the creation of the student non-violent coordinating committee. In 1961 Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of the bus where blacks were forced to sit. Although she was arrested and jailed, her brave efforts inspired the Montgomery Bus Boycott which lasted for over a year. Martin Luther King is known as one of the most inspirational figures of the Civil Rights movement. He organized hundreds of non-violent protests and gave an unforgettable speech entitled "I have a dream." Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and the Greensboro lunch boy's brave efforts helped get the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed. Their actions have inspired thousands of people to stand up for what they believe in and are excellent role models for people today.

Another example of how celebrities can be beneficial in today's society is seen through the women's suffrage movement. Alice Paul, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton motivated thousands of women to stand up for equality. They organized parades, protests, and wrote hundreds of letters in order to gain awareness to their cause. They encouraged and convinced people that sexism was not right and were main contributors in getting the 17th amendment passed-granting women the right to vote. These three women are still excellent role models for people to look to and have inspired men and women to speak out against the things that they do not agree with.

Literature also has great examples of famous people and how they can benefit society. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter Hester Prynne, the protagonist in the book commits adultery and must forever wear a scarlet letter "A" sewn upon her bosom. However, her giving personality and helpfulness makes people begin to refer to the "A" as meaning "able". Hester Prynne is an excellent role model for today's society in showing that everyone makes mistakes and that it is what you learn and do from them that is really important.

The Civil Rights movement, women's suffrage movement, and The Scarlet Letter have all produced famous people who are great role models for today. It is important for people to have these men and women to look up to and be encouraged by.

Think carefully about the ideas and issues presented in the following excerpt and assignment below.

A teenager challenges everything and, by forming habits of intellectual and emotional independence, makes himself or herself into an adult. In a similar way, all people can learn the behaviors that they need to become the people they want to be. We can all change ourselves — our behaviors, our goals, our relationships — because our potential for change is unlimited.

Adapted from Richard Stiller, Habits


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